Social Assistance On The Impact Of Covid-19 In Village Tebing Tinggi Province Jambi

Posted on: 11/12/2020 | CSR Activity

As a form of company concern for the community around the company due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, PT. ABP is again holding social assistance activities for local residents in Tebing Tinggi village Province Jambi. The activities of providing social assistance, in this case basic food are in the form of rice 250 sacks were brought to the community of Tebing Tinggi Village which was held on December 11, 2020 the event was attended directly by the Head of Pemayung Sub-district.


Just like the previous activities, PT. ABP also tries to provide information to village residents most of whom are rubber farmers by providing information about Clean Rubber, good and correct techniques for tapping rubber which was conveyed by Mr. Sugiarto (Deputy Quality Manager).


PT. ABP also expressed concern for the sustainability of natural rubber which is an important program in GPSNR, in this case explained by Mr. Miftahush Shabri Edison (PC Staff) related to the TRACY program that is being promoted by the company to embrace all rubber suppliers and farmers, so that together can sell the rubber to PT. ABP and take part in maintaining the sustainability of natural rubber. On this occasion Mr. Okta Harius (Deputy Factory Manager) also gave an explanation related to the sustainability of natural rubber and the importance of clean rubber and the impact of contamination found in tire manufacturing, which can result in traffic accidents, due to broken vehicle tires.


and the event ended with a symbolic donation from PT. ABP to the residents of Tebing Tinggi Village.